Can I get RAW files in addition to high-resolution JPEGs that we purchase from Zorz Studios?

Can I get RAW files in addition to high-resolution JPEGs that we purchase?

Sorry, no, but we may mean different things by "raw". If you just mean your images in digital format (sometimes incorrectly referred to as "digital negatives"), then yes, you will get them, in JPEG format ready for sharing and printing.

Professional photographers use the terms "RAW" and "digital negatives" differently. Those are the "code talk" between the camera and photo editing software, the format that a consumer device may not even be able to display. Unlike standard JPEGs, their file extensions are CR2, NEF, ARW, RAF, ORF, RW2, etc. We use them because our editing software can read and process them from the raw state. Giving you such files is pointless, akin serving you raw meat and flour instead of lasagna.

The reason we shoot exclusively in RAW format is to give us, the creators, the maximum room for correcting any challenging situations which we didn't have time to attend to when taking photos, such as proper exposure and color balance. They are not intended for the eyes of the client. As an exception, we are okay giving raw files to our peers (that is, other professional photographers) as a courtesy.

Once we process the real raw files, we convert them into consumer-grade JPEGs which can be delivered to you in either low or high resolution, depending on your package.
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