Turnaround times differ depending on the type of products, order volume, season, and even
our travel plans. Here are typical cases:
- Initial (standard) editing: 1-3 weeks after your shoot
- Enhanced retouching: 2-4 weeks after you choose favorites
- Prints/canvas delivery: 1-2 weeks after retouching is done
- Album/book design: 1-2 weeks after retouching is done
- Album/book delivery: 3-4 weeks after the design proof is finalized
Let us stress: post-processing and printing can only start once we receive your favorites, so the clock starts at that point, not when the gallery is created, or your shoot is done.
Because we don't look at unfinished products as deliverables, you will receive all images when all retouching is done. If your package includes Enhanced photos, you will not be able to download anything from the online gallery until we finish those.
We know how exciting it is to own the photos, but crafts take time, and each artist sets their own deliverables. Please be comfortable with them before booking us. :)

There are exceptional situations, other than "I just can't wait", when we can expedite. A notable example is commercial and editorial shoots. Please inform us beforehand to discuss this.
Lastly, if you take weeks or months (some—years!) to select your favorites, please don't ask us to rush because "it's been taking so long" or you're approaching some deadline. It was your time management and priorities. If we have resources, we'll do it, anyway, but if we're backed up already, there isn't much we can do about bending the rules, unfortunately.
Realize, your photos aren't hostages while with us. You have complete freedom to share them by sending the gallery link and access code to anyone, from your family to the entire world.
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